Tai Davidson Bajandas

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Graduate Student

Tai Davidson Bajandas is a first year doctoral student working towards a joint degree in American Studies and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. They graduated from the University of Chicago in 2021 where they received their BA degree in Gender and Sexuality Studies and English Language and Literature. Their undergraduate thesis explored the linkages between 20th century cybernetics and adjacent science studies in the United States and dualistic, naturalized theories of gender and race during the same time period. Focusing on the hegemony of Western philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of science and technology studies, their work seeks to dethrone systems of knowledge which reproduce systems of violence and oppression.

Turning towards a transnational and Latin American analysis, their next academic goal is to expand their critical analysis through bridging the gaps between feminist decolonial STS, feminist new materialisms, queer of color critique, and others to build robust interventions into the ways in which STS has been and is used to strengthen systems of harm and how we might collectively build a more liberatory future.

Science and technology studies, postcolonial studies, queer of color critique, race and ethnicity, transnational studies, queer and trans studies, latin american studies, cybernetics