Elihu Rubin

Elihu Rubin's picture
Associate Professor of Urbanism and American Studies (on leave fall 24)
RDH 308

Elihu Rubin is the Henry Hart Rice Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Studies and Associate Professor of American Studies at Yale University.  His work bridges the urban disciplines, focusing on the built environments of nineteenth and twentieth-century cities, the history and theory of city planning, urban geography and the cultural landscape, transportation and mobility, architectural preservation and heritage planning, and the social life of urban space.

Rubin is the author of Insuring the City: The Prudential Center and the Postwar Urban Landscape (Yale University Press, 2012) which received Best Book awards from the Urban History Association and the Society for American City and Regional Planning History (SACRPH).  His current book project, under contract with Princeton University Press, is called Ghost Town:  The Urban History of an American Icon

Rubin is Faculty Director of Advocacy and Planning at the Yale Urban Design Workshop and directs the Yale Urban Media Project, a collective public scholarship initiative focused on the built environment, city planning, and urban change over time.  He is co-founder of the documentary film company American Beat and has produced a trilogy of films about social history and cultural landscapes in New Haven, among other projects.

Rubin earned a Masters of City Planning and a PhD in the History of Architecture and Urbanism from the University of California, Berkeley, and a BA in Ethics, Politics, and Economics from Yale. 

Selected Publications

-“Skyscrapers and Tall Buildings.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History (Volume 2), ed. Timothy J. Gilfoyle (New York, NY:  Oxford University Press, 2019): 858-880. 

“Catch My Drift?  Situationist Dérive and Urban Pedagogy,” Radical History Review, Fall 2012 (114):  175-190. 

–“(Re)Presenting the Street:  Video and Visual Culture in Planning,” in Multimedia Explorations in Urban Policy and Planning:  Beyond the Flatlands, eds. Leonie Sandercock and Giovanni Attili (Springer, 2010):  85-103.