Congratulations! Contemporary Literature’s editors have selected Albert Laguna’s essay, “Edgardo Vega Yunqué and the Comedy of Race,” volume 59, number 3 as the winner...
“Collaboration: A Potential History of Photography,” a team project that included our colleague Laura Wexler and our former colleague Leigh Raiford. The Closing Workshop...
David William Blight, newly named as the Sterling Professor of History, of African American Studies, and of American Studies, is a renowned historian who is considered one of...
Hazel V. Carby retired at the end of spring 2019 term, capping a 30-year career as a scholar and mentor to her students at Yale University. Yale News paid tribute to...
Matt Jacobson ‘s documentary, A Long Way from Home: The Untold Story of Baseball’s Desegregation, has received the prestigious Gold Telly Award which honors excellence in...
Professor Albert Laguna’s book, Diversión: Play and Popular Culture in Cuban America, has earned Honorable Mention from the Latino Studies Section of the Latin American...
Alexander Zhang received a fellowship to support work towards a PhD/JD in History and Law at Yale University.
His scholarship will bridge constitutional law with ethnic...