As of Monday, March 16, the American Studies offices in Arnold Hall will be closed, and Arnold Hall is only open to those with key card access. The American Studies officers and staff will be working remotely. Please be patient as we try to keep the core aspects of American Studies going through a mixture of email, Zoom, Facetime, and telephone. Classes and vital academic meetings will be conducted online; the talks in our Critical Encounters series and the annual American Studies Symposium have been postponed until further notice.
Michael Denning, Chair, michael.denning@yale.edu
Lisa Lowe, Director of Graduate Studies, lisa.lowe@yale.edu
Liza Joyner- Operations Manager, liza.joyner@yale.edu
Susan Shand, Senior Administrative Assistant, susan.shand@yale.edu
James Berger, Director of Undergraduate Studies, james.berger@yale.edu
Jean Cherniavsky, Senior Administrative Assistant, jean.cherniavsky@yale.edu
For the latest updates visit Yale’s COVID-19 at: https://communications.yale.edu/covid-19-information