Ever Esther Osorio Ruiz

Ever Esther Osorio Ruiz's picture
Graduate Student

Ever E. Osorio Ruiz is a Doctoral Candidate in  American Studies and Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Yale University. During the Fall 22/Spring 23 she was a Visiting Scholar at the MIT School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences through a Diversity Predoctoral Fellow. She is a Research Associate at the Five College Women’s Studies Center (2022-2024) in Amherst, MA.  Ever holds an MA in Politics from the New School for Social Research and an MA in Communication from Universidad Iberoamericana. She is currently writing the dissertation The Violet Spring: Politics and Poetics of Mexican Feminisms in the 21st Century a historical exploration of the politics and media of Mexican feminist social movements through the writing of slogans, testimonies in protests, rallies, and in analog and digital media posts. Her analysis situates the feminist struggle as a direct action against feminicide, the War on Drugs, and rising authoritarianism. Her research has been supported by a Mellon Sawyer Seed Grant, Isa and Avi Mehta Graduate Student Research Fund, the Race, Indigeneity and Transnational Migration Program, the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies, and the Mexican Public Education Ministry.

Media and Communication, Latin-American studies, feminisms, cultural studies, Critical theories, and Mexican Studies